
Saturday, February 22, 2014

FCAT Dynamite Writers 2014

     With only 2 practices, our amazing writers showed their performance talent on Friday!  What a fun way to remember the writing skills we have emphasized through the year. A Tampa student wrote the song a few years ago as an innovation on a popular hit song.  We really enjoyed putting this moment together, and I think it shows!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Latest Rocket Math Star is Guest Blogger Today

Congratulations to Jesse who has been in the Hall of Fame for several weeks now!  We are catching up on our math facts, and finding out that knowing the math facts really speeds up all kinds of operations!  Good for you, Jesse! Simplifying fractions is a breeze when you recognize the multiples!
Here are his words of wisdom for Rocket Math success:
"If you miss a question, on the next test do it first, then do the top.  Don't be stressed out if you are confused on a problem . Try your best. If you miss a question, it's not the end of the world."