
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rocket Math Star

Guest Blogger is Meghan ! She is the first student to complete Rocket Math Multiplication which happened this week! She is sporting the coveted X for multiplication and her award.
Congratulations, Meghan! 
In her own words:
      "I had to fill up the whole page with math facts like 4x5 or 0x9. Some of the levels were hard and some were easy. I suggest that you don't eat much sugar at lunch because we do Rocket Math right after lunch. If you do eat sugar at lunch, your mind will not go your way!"

Wise words from Meghan. A few others are closing in on the end of multiplication and  everyone is working feverishly to finish their goal correctly in one fast minute!
As for Meghan... she begins Level A in Division Facts tomorrow! Well done!


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